By stuff ready I mean the Yakboards and the cameras…I had to do some Heath Robinson work on my new ATC9K action cam to attach it to the yak facing into the cockpit while still keeping the old ATC2K pointing sideways to capture the shape of the waves, the speed and my companions. Some foam, tape and one of the Velcro straps it ships with did the trick for this trip with a cut-down leash providing extra security. I had my new Olympus Tough 6020 as well which would be used variously from the water and from the groynes to capture photographs and footage of the others…I wanted to give them a thorough testing.
I got up before 6. This was not really necessary but I wanted to get mentally prepared – ie I wanted coffee to wake myself up and I wanted to get down to the beach in good time. Tim was on his way over from the northern wastelands, Tony was coming up from southern shores, I was representing the east which left Steve…the lazy bastard was having a lie in again. I couldn’t wait and headed for the beach.
It was flat. Great.
I was too keyed up to fish, I wanted surf! Then, sure enough, the first one rolled in…about 18 inches high! Underwhelmed I reckoned the shape was doable and I could ride it in at least. I launched, paddled out and waited for the next one…paddling hard for it when it came…
It was a fast wave! They were small but they packed a good bit of power into them and I had a few enjoyable rides in before spotting Tony with his Prowler 13 by the roadside. I wandered up to say hi and was amazed to see his good lady with him too…but she had more sense than to get wet in October and instead opted to walk the dog. Me? I had to get back in the water!
Tony and I had a few runs and then Tim turned up. The waves were slightly better by this time but not by a great deal and so we headed south towards the pier, noticing some surfers who’d arrived now that the sun was up. The waves, hitting the shallows here, were rearing up a bit better but I don’t find it fair to encroach on other’s spots so, while they were out of the way we had a quick play then paddled to the other side of the pier to play there.
We found a few reasonable waves and had some short, fun rides and then noticed that it was building again back in our original spot…so we tried to head back there, only we were catching a few waves here and there which delayed us! Steve had by now woken up and joined us, clad in a wetsuit and falling in while chatting the moment I came back out from the shore.
It seemed to be bigger just north of our usual taking-off point so we headed for that initially. It was dumping here and those of us that rode it invariably got chewed up; I managed it rather dramatically as did Tony. I knew I was going to get munched on a couple of occasions and once was lucky enough not to get onto a wave I tried as there was a good chance of hitting the groyne or a metal post if I’d done so. We had to move and so headed back to the original spot.
It had grown now. We good 4ft sets coming through every now and again and all had good rides out of them. ..who’d have thought it eh? Proper surf waves at Lowestoft? ;) We had to wait though, it was a long time between sets (a good few minutes) and flat in between.
Some promising waves got absorbed, others broke early but when the good ones came they were GOOD! The surfers soon pitched up in our area but were respectful and didn’t crowd us, we in turn tried to keep out of their spot; on one hand it’s politeness but on the other hand a yak to the head bloody hurts and nobody needs that aggro.
Eventually Tony had to depart and with Steve hurting his finger he too had to go. This seemed like the time for Tim and I to call it quits and so I grabbed my last wave of the day, a good one, and took it all the way into the beach stopping about a metre from the concrete at the base of the sea wall. I looked for Tim who’d not got off on it and waited…
…it was another long gap…and then his wave came in at last and it was a beauty! It finished the filming beautifully!
So, how did the cameras do? Judge for yourself! Incidentally, there is a GPS module in the ATC9K and my top recorded speed was 15.53mph…
…Breakfast called. Home cold-smoked salmon with poached egg…I swear Tim isn’t really into the kayaking but just comes over for breakfast ;D
Steve was off getting changed elsewhere as we carried the yaks to mine, got out of our drysuits and put the kettle on. With coffee ready, salmon sliced and toast made there was a knock at the door…Steve was there just in time to fill up! I opened the door…
“Sorry mate, can’t come in, got to run, Jo’s waters have broken…”
There was water breaking everywhere that day.
Forget Brando, we’re The Wet Ones!
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