The trouble, of course, is that everything was in disarray. Time to leave saw me still wondering where the hell I’d left my boots and with them decidedly hidden (by my wife as it turned out) I had to make do with a pair of plimsolls until I found my surfing boots in the back of the van at the launch. I figured on a play to get me back in the swing so just grabbed a mackerel and three chunks of bluey. Just about to leave, I received a text from Si asking if I had any squid spare. I didn’t have any at all! No matter, he had some prawns and cockles in the freezer. I set off.
Aaron texted next, asking what time we were going and if I had any bait spare and a knife he could borrow after his dunking last week; the latter was no problem and a chunk of bluey from me and some bits from Si sorted him out when he was unable to get anything from the tackle shop. So it wasn’t just me that couldn’t get things going this morning!
It was lovely and bright and the sea looked pleasant when I arrived. Frosty maybe but not particularly cold. I fiddled around while I waited for them to arrive and then got kitted up for the launch. The sea was right up the ramp by the time we carried the kayaks down.
We launched with no problems and headed out and north against the tide for a few hundred yards before we dropped anchor. Nothing changed and Si set off for Corton on a ploughing trip as Aaron called our presence in to the Coastguard and our friendly seal popped his head up to welcome me home.
I baited up a size 1 wishbone rig on my Scarborough and dropped down. It didn’t take long for a bite but my rolling lead and the swift current saw me losing my soft pieces of bluey rather than any fish coming aboard. I changed to mackerel and a breakaway and things improved immediately with a double shot of whiting. One was sizeable but not large and I just didn’t feel in the killing mood so I popped them back and dropped down again.
Another came soon enough and then Marty called from the cliffs at Corton. He was off to see his parents before getting his boat out and would give us a shout around ten when he’d be on the water. He asked about the sea and it sounded a bit cloudy for the herring with only six inches of visibility but it just looked such a nice day.
Si came back and joined us a couple of times and Aaron drifted a bit so I let the rest if my warp out and got within shouting distance as the tide started to ease. The fishing started to ease to and with five caught and returned it was time to up-anchor and head in, landing on the ramp again.
Marty called up as we were heading in and I could see him to the north as he shot some nets. I landed, loaded up and headed home and heard from him next as I entered town; he was back in after a very brief session that saw him pop by later on for a coffee and to drop off some fresh silver darlings.
Rollmops and bloaters are all done and I’ve had two meals of grilled herring so far with plenty more in the freezer. Yep, it’s good to be back and it’s even better to have good mates to come back to!
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