By 530 I was pulling the Scupper over the sand mountain and down to the beach – what a difference a few days makes! There was some slight chop but I was able to get as close to the rocks as I needed. Sadly the water was down a bit far so my lures kept bumping and occasionally snagging as I trolled up the reefs. I bumped into Uptide on his way down to Waxham and then finally met up with Spark after about six reefs – the only fish I’d seen was a flatty as I launched until he had a sandeel on a lure.
Handshakes, a chat, a look at what he had between his legs and then we paddled in so he could give me a split cane rod for my Scarborough! Good man, cheers mate, expect an olde worlde report sometime ;D
Then Phil turned up, I’d not seen him in months so stopped for another chat after relaunching. The sea was flat now too, the wind had died. My lighter wasn’t working so I was pleased to see another smoker…though his lighter appeared not to be onboard. Ah well. Then Uptide reached us and, as the thunder started I headed back down to Waxham with a change of lures – J13 in Firetiger and Sliver in redhead. There was more water now but no more fish. Then the rain started. Then the rain REALLY started. Then I regretted the Sidewinder and T-Shirt combination. I hate the rain.
Then the lightning started, that and the thunder being a bit damned close. As Phil had pointed out the huge great metal poles at either end of the reef were more likely to take a hit than us but it was still less than comfortable. Then, finally, the rod started to bang away and I grabbed it, my blank saved by a schoolie that went back being in the region of 25-30cm (I didn’t bother to measure).
I was now at the bottom reef and decided to circle it. There was a large bull seal hanging at the edge of it and I decided that I was too close as he’d decided I was too close and was sticking his flippers up in a rude gesture. Then he decided to dive and swim towards me. So now I have thunder, lightning, a monsoon and a pissed off bull seal in my vicinity plus the coastguard roaring around the beach in a pick-up. I took the hint and paddled in.
Then helped push the coastguard pick-up out of the dune ;D
Yep, it was a fun evening. It ended with a powercut that saw all traffic lights extinguished from Great Yarmouth to Lowestoft, no power for the lights or cooker and I couldn’t see the food in the fridge either. Oh well, what the hell, at least my laptop was charged, I could at least surf the net. Had the wireless router not been powered from the mains ;D Early night, expect more vermin running around my road in May.
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