Well, it was mostly quite small with a few slightly larger sets coming through at around 2-3ft. A body boarder was out but no-one else. The tide was down and still ebbing so it’d improve over time but it looked okay for a bit of fun. I dumped my Yakboard on the sand and wandered onto the groyne to take a bit of film with the Olympus.
With enough background footage I went back down and grabbed the Yakboard. I was planning on plenty of filming today and had the ATC9K all rigged up and ready to go to work. There was plenty of light and with practically no-one on the sea I figured I’d get plenty of rides. I switched it on, set it running and headed out to the end of the groyne, my usual take-off spot.
I paddled out easily enough with the swell coming from the northeast which left the groyne taking the brunt of anything that might have caused me trouble. I got to the spot, turned, waited less than a minute and caught my first wave in…bliss! 3ft or so, an easy take-off and an easy ride. They were pleasant waves, a bit slow but no problem to catch and come in on. Back out I went and again came in immediately on another. I kept this up for the next couple of hours with constant runs until finally I exerted too much pressure on a thigh strap and snapped the buckle in half which immediately flushed my sinuses out in front of a bunch of board surfers who had arrived and were watching to see how things were developing. A couple more runs and I went home. I wanted breakfast and to repair my thigh strap so I could have some more fun.
I downloaded the take from my camera and, kitted up again, went back to the beach. It was now high water and the waves had grown to about 4ft. The population had grown too as there were now some board surfers out in the same spot. I paddled out to my spot, said hi, turned and took off on a wave straight away…again! The waves were faster now as well as bigger, 4ft+, and over the next 3 hours or so I lost count of the rides. Often I’d take off at the same time as boardies, other times I’d hang back to let them take the wave and twice I had to bail when I saw them ahead of me in the water.
Just before 3pm I trashed my thigh strap again – or rather my repair – and decided to call it a day. I was pretty worn out now anyway and I’d had my fun and I did have some stuff to do at home still after all! It had been great.
Back home I downloaded everything and that evening began work on my video. My ATC9K has a GPS module in it and I had a brief look at the data – I’d hit a maximum of 18.02mph during my time on the water! Mental ;D I then spent the next couple of evenings working on the video before bashing my head against the wall for a couple of days when Windows Live Movie Maker refused to allow me to save the finished film. I hate that fucking programme.
Finally, though, I found a work-around and produced my longest - and probably my best – video of what was absolutely my best day’s Yakboarding yet so crank up the volume and enjoy:
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