It’s starting to get a bit cooler now and with the sun rising later and setting earlier time available for launching is more restricted than in the past few months. I got a heads up that the weather was going to be poor for fishing this weekend -for poor read impossible – and when I finally got around to checking I realised that it was indeed the case. However, with swells of between 10 and 16ft forecast for Lowestoft on Friday and Saturday I figured that if I cleared the decks by late afternoon Thursday I could comfortably take the following day off…
Friday morning and I was able to enjoy a more leisurely breakfast with the girls and even do the school run again at last. It was rather cold and I was quite pleased to get home into the warmth. A few hours of painting and decorating was required before I could play but with my youngest and my wife heading off to the school after lunch it was time to get changed and wander down to the beach.
As a kid I loved the film ‘Big Wednesday’ and watched it over and over. There’s always that expectation when you know a big swell is predicted and you head down to the beach hoping it’s true but sadly Magic Seaweed had suckered me in again, along with the half a dozen surfers who were out. That said, it was still looking good and there were some long, powerful swells coming in and breaking a hundred yards out, averaging about 6ft or so and the surfers were riding a few of the better ones. This was the second time I’d taken my new Yak Board out for a surf (I fished from it a couple of weeks ago too) – the demo ones gave me such fun I had to invest – and it looked like I was in for a whale of a time.
One drawback with the Yak Board compared to the fifteen footers I’m used to is that I always get the feeling I’m standing still when paddling out…the glide and speed is sacrificed for superb manoeuvrability and stability in the rough stuff…and this slow movement was to be my downfall many, many times. I got on in knee deep water and began the paddle out. Some of the waves were breaking a way ahead, others closer in and the foam was rolling under me with some spraying my face to waken me up now and again. As I got out further I started trying to judge where to cut through…he who hesitates is lost of course and I’d nearly always end up with a big old bit of water rearing up and breaking as I was almost through…it took ages before I was out far enough to chose my waves but it was comfortable here and I watched a few good rides from the surfers before going for some of my own.