I was on the water for around an hour I’d guess, which is quite an achievement for the size of pond that they have in the park, and as my maggots had frozen to death I didn’t take a rod with me – but I did have a master plan.
Well, they were only part of the plan. I’m running low on floats at the moment and the park is always a good place to replenish stocks – people cast into the vegetation or crap that lines the island in the middle and get snapped off. Footballs also run down the slope and into the pond too and I thought I may as well grab a couple of decent ones while I was at it.
Well, I launched. I paddled about. I got cold hands. I took two good footballs out of the twenty or so that were floating around and gathered up a dozen floats of all sizes. Chuffed with that I went home to thaw out. (I later gave the balls to some of the [s]vermin[/s] neighbours kids down the end of my road.)
An hour later I went into town to buy some Ragworm for tomorrow's excursion. That gave an excuse later on for an impromptu session…
After dinner my wife took the children around to a friend's house for afternoon tea and face painting. Then stupid idea of the day number two popped into my head – go fishing in the sea…and take a Scarborough reel…and use a light weight…and a two hook paternoster rig…and a spinning rod…and just to make it more interesting take a different kayak to normal…
None of those Dorado or Scupper Pro barge shenanigans for me – nope, todays kayak of choice was the fast and scary Ocean Kayak Sprinter - the plastic matchstick! I recall someone saying nobody would want to fish from it the other week and figured that I didn’t wish to be a nobody any longer…I was going to be a somebody and go fishing in the Sprinter. In the sea. In winter.
Luckily the sea state was forecast as slight to moderate. On launching I’d say it varied between slightly stupid to moderately mental as I broke through the small, but perfectly formed, surf. There were actually three surfers in the water – clearly they believe the bullsh!t that Magic Seaweed has become. Once out into the sea it was actually quite pleasant with just the gentle roll of the swell and so I figured it was a good time to start the drift – at a random point – with my old KP Scarborough centrepin.
A beautiful reel this and one that I’ve hardly used since I got it half a lifetime ago. I must air it more next year. It spins beautifully and you have a direct link to the fish – none of this five to one retrieve nonsense, you are directly connected.
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