I cook a lot of fish, it would seem strange otherwise to catch them all. I love breaded or battered fillets but they're just such a small portion of what i do. Sometimes I cook from my own ideas, sometimes from internet recipes but mostly from a few really good books. My current favourite is Far Eastern Odyssey by Rick Stein though I often use Rick Stein's Seafood as well. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's River Cottage Fish Book is also a good read with plenty of decent recipes and another favourite is Fish by Sophie Grigson and William Black. I'm a great believer in using good cookery books and, once I've made the recipes properly I will often use them to inspire similar or different dishes. The following films will take you through a selection of fish dishes prepared from the various species I catch and take home...enjoy!
Cold Smoked Cod
Cold Smoked Whiting:
Hot Smoked Mackerel:
Salted Whiting:
Smoothound Curry
Whiting and Dab:
Tartare, Hollandaise and Bearnaise Sauces: