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Recently we had an incident while fishing at anchor whereby a drift net caught two of us in error. Potentially this could have had a far worse outcome than it did so myself and the skipper whose net it was met up for a beer and a chat to try and educate each other on what each of us do and how. It was a very useful opportunity and I certainly came out of it with some useful pointers which I’m going to pass on with some additional thoughts..

1. VHF

As is well known the calling and emergency channel is 16; none of the following overrides the fact that this needs to be monitored (not a problem with dual watch radios). The generally (though not of course exclusively) used channel adopted by kayak anglers for inter-boat communications has been channel 6 for a few years now. This has never been an issue before however this is perhaps not the best choice. In the Great Yarmouth area the commercial boats are using channel 8 and like this an awareness of where they and what they are doing as well as where we are and what we are doing can be easily monitored if we now adopt the same. Like this if I now hear that, for example, a drift net is going in the water in the area that I am in I can call up and just mention that I am in the vicinity, at anchor or drifting or what have you. Be aware that an angling kayaks presence may not have been noticed or taken for what it is.

2. Visibility.

Predominantly we have brightly coloured kayaks. It’s not long before these become silhouettes and we are also low in the water. Looking into the sun we disappear easily as we do in chop and/or swell. We are also unlikely to appear on radar; we are not reflective and whatever signature we have will more than likely be filtered out as clutter. People rely heavily on radar, especially in fog or darkness. The option of a radar reflector is one possibility mentioned however we have two issues here. There’s a fair bit of research available online where tests have been carried out on kayaks. The main problem is a lack of height and with the need to have a relatively large reflector mounted high up we then come into the issue of decreased stability from an altered centre of gravity and susceptibility to wind and gusts. Non-moving plots would give advance warning that we are anchored however, provided we are in range, and it is worth an experiment but I don’t think that’s going to be a safe option for us. High-vis flags may be of some use to other watercraft in spotting us visually (ie yachts etc) but won’t indicate anything else.

3. Visual signs.

My assumption is that sitting still at anchor in a tidal area would indicate that we are anchored. From the land of course it will (which has resulted in concerned members of the public calling the coastguard before now). This is not the case from a boat, especially one that is moving. Though the skipper mentioned at the time that he was shooting a net and it would pass under the kayaks if it got too close he didn’t at any time realise that the kayaks were anchored. With the anchor line dropping down at the stern this is no real surprise, with hindsight. Theoretically we would be drifting at the same speed as the net…So, how do we indicate that we are indeed anchored? The recognised sign is a black anchor ball. These are available as a collapsible plastic item that is formed from two discs in a cross shape, pretty much like a radar reflector which would be problematic for the same reasons as mentioned above but there is another option though and that would be to use a black buoy for anchoring from (as opposed to the brightly coloured ones we mostly use for our own visibility but which have no ‘meaning’.) These would of course need to be away from the kayak so that they are visible in their own right rather than ending up at the stern. At night ensure that you are showing an all-round white light when anchored.

4. Awareness.

People aren’t generally aware that we anchor kayaks or even that we can. People aren’t aware that we launch and fish at night, or in fog, or in large seas. Quite frankly we can be a surprise. Surprise is NOT a good thing where safety is concerned and our safety is paramount. Hopefully word will now get about locally regarding us so that considerations can be taken but we also need to be aware of the potential hazards which we need to be aware of. Drift nets are one – they move, quickly and are heavy. Shipping channels are another – they don’t move but through looking at charts and learning what the different buoyage means we can place ourselves in areas where we avoid completely any risk of collision. Having forgotten everything about buoy information that I’d read before as ‘I know where I am’ and look for the spots I want on the charts I now realise that I need to be thinking of how they can signify information that is useful to me, ie safe areas.

5. Electronics.

Reliance on electronics…from where I sit I have my fishfinder that is giving me depth etc and as it’s a combo unit it also gives me speed over ground and my position. With detailed charts loaded I can visually see exactly where I am and what is around me. I can see the buoys, the land, the bottom soundings and so on. Apart from the obvious factor of it not working for whatever reason there is still the need to be visually aware of what is around; we’re usually in sight of land so should take note of our position in relation to landmarks (or lights at night). However, on a commercial boat there will also be radar, AIS and so on. A watch still needs to be kept. Anchored and facing one direction can cause you to miss what is going on behind – check regularly, you may not hear something approaching.

6. Safety equipment.

We’re generally pretty good. Our kayaks are stable and tough. We have them set up to anchor from effectively. Generally we have all practiced capsize and re-entry drills. On the equipment front we wear buoyancy aids and dress for immersion (drysuit, wetsuit, undergarments etc) relevant to the conditions. We do need to carry more than a whistle though and the vital equipment needs to be attached to the person in case of separation from the kayak. A sharp knife, preferably serrated so it cuts line easily and isn’t going to get used and blunted cutting bait is very necessary. Carrying a spare paddle is good practice in the event that the main paddle breaks or is lost (it should be leashed to the kayak once out of the surf zone). Bear in mind that it will need to be readily and safely accessible whilst on the water. Sometimes a VHF signal is blocked where a mobile phone isn’t and therefore a mobile should be carried as well. It needs protection from the water and an aquapack will keep it dry and useable. A VHF is a lifesaver as well as an informant of what is going on around you (it’s legally required that you have a licence and do the course). Any transmission will be heard by anyone monitoring that channel so use it accordingly. Flares are another useful addition; handheld red flares and handheld orange smokes which can be carried onboard and miniflares which are kept on the person. Know how to use them correctly. Some of us also now carry PLB’s too; these send a distress signal to satellites and are registered to us. We can be placed accurately and are not reliant on radio signals with these. Not cheap but nor is a funeral.

Finally, register yourself and each of your kayaks under the Coastguard’s CG66 safety identification scheme. It is free and will only take you a few minutes to fill in but will speed up response times in case of emergency. Call up the coastguard by telephone or VHF to inform them of where you’re going and what you’re doing; they will appreciate it. Please remember to let them know when you’re off the water too.