Through Anglers Net, I was sent a copy of ‘Sit-on-top Kayak: A Beginner's Manual’ by Derek Hairon to read and review. This was a good few months ago, when it was first launched, and it is only now that I feel ready to review it - not because it is a large book nor especially complicated but because, unlike a novel, it’s not a read-once-and-be-done-with-it kind of book. It is, as it says, a manual and as such I have treated it as one. I have read it cover to cover twice and dipped in and out here and there - as that is how it is laid out and designed to be read. This, I feel, will give a better class of review overall. Let us begin with the details and the publisher’s synopsis:
Sit-on-top Kayak: A Beginner's Manual. Derek Hairon
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Pesda Press (1st July 2007)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1906095027
ISBN-13: 978-1906095024
Product Dimensions: 20.6 x 16 x 1.2 cm
This is a complete beginner's guide to the sit-on-top kayak. Sit-on-top kayaking is the fastest growing water-based activity. It's fun and easy to learn. Anyone can do it! Paddlers, newcomers and those curious about the sport will find all the answers to their questions in this book. Using colour photos and clear descriptions, this book is the perfect introduction to sit-on-top kayaking. Choosing the right kayak, how to store and transport it, how to get the most fun out of your boat and how to stay safe whilst doing so are explored in detail. Snorkelling, fishing and scuba diving are some of the other activities that benefit from using sit-on-tops and these are also covered.
Sounds good.
Physically, the book consists of thin card covers printed in full colour. The front and rear carry photographs and the inner covers carry advertisements from two of the main distributors of sit-on-top kayaks in the UK - Ocean Kayak and Wilderness Systems. Further adverts are printed in the rear including the authors own kayak touring business. And why not! As far as I’m concerned this helps to establish his bonafides as a full-time sea kayaker and adds authority to his words. Having some experience in publication I am fully aware of the economics of book production and this is an excellent means of ultimately producing a better quality book for the price as the thick, high-quality matte paper and the full-colour printing throughout does not come cheap. For the reader there is also a good choice of companies listed which can provide further reading if the spark is fanned into the flames of desire!
The layout of the book is very clear. A sharp, clear font with easy-to-read line-spacing and a large amount of clear, sharp, well-exposed and colourful photographs gives a feeling of brightness to each and every page. The graphics are simple and well suited - sharp edged photographs occasionally having rounded corners or the application of a drop-shadow, some rapidly faded into the page or cut out. They each come with their own descriptive captions printed in the same size and style of font in blue so they can be easily distinguished. Anything of particular note (especially safety orientated) is drawn attention to by the use of a green sticker-shaped box. Some illustration is also to be found amongst the pages and again this is clear and concise. The text itself is broken up into easily-digestible amounts of a paragraph or three and good use of headings and sub headings is made. Additionally, the front features a full contents page and the back a glossary (and links to useful websites). Overall, it’s a very nice-looking book that feels like a quality product. Thumbs up so far!
Now for the content, the important part.
First of all there is an introduction to the author listing his experience as a kayaker to instil confidence in what he has to say. Following on comes a clear and easy-to-read contents page which, for a manual, is vital. Next come a few introductory pages on sit-on-top kayaks and available waterways, and then we’re into the main body of text:
Getting Started gives advice on buying, hiring, tuition, storage, transportation and accessories. The text is concise and gives a general overview of each part. More attention is paid to paddles, however, which is the most important accessory to any kayak. Choosing the correct length and type/size of blade is well covered along with paddling styles, blade angles and shafts. This is followed by clothing and related things to be aware of such as water temperature, windchill, sunburn, hypothermia etc. This leads nicely into the protection element of helmets and flotation and onto kayaking with children.
Getting Afloat. Techniques for warming up, lifting and carrying technique, entry and launching are all described before the author begins instruction of paddling technique. Here the photography is well chosen and laid-out alongside the text as all parts are covered in an easy to follow manner. Not content with standard advice, the author continues with paddling in strong winds and advanced paddling techniques for turning, steering, reversing, stopping, edging, moving sideways and using the paddle as a rudder before continuing with support strokes and bracing.
Rescue utilises clear photography and concise instruction to give three methods of self-rescue and each are shown in detail before the author continues with assisted rescue, baling and basic emergency repair at sea. This is followed, logically, by:
Staying Safe. Elementary concepts such as float plans are added to with advice on group paddling and recommended safety items such as flares, VHF, mobile phones and suchlike. These are all items of importance for kayak anglers like myself who will typically out for long stretches, during which time conditions can deteriorate. This of course leads to a timely look at:
Weather and the Kayaker. Wind and sun are covered here and the importance of forecasts is made clear. Other than that it provides a springboard for:
Sea and Surf. Not a restaurant meal this but good, exciting photography and detailed descriptive graphics giving vital information on the surf zone, rips, currents, controlled and surfed landings, dumping surf and paddling out through surf. It continues with tides/currents and wind against tide. Again, clear instruction and advice is given before the author moves onto:
River Paddling. Here we find bits about bends, drops and weirs, river grades and river levels. This is only a short section as there isn’t really a lot to say. It doesn’t cover white-water (for which a Sit-on-Top is an unsuitable craft) or touring but neither are really in the remit of this book - it is a manual, not an encyclopaedia!
Here the book begins to breakdown into the smaller, miscellaneous sections that have a following yet don’t warrant a detailed chapter to themselves. First off is a short section about diving from kayaks followed by another regarding fishing from kayaks. Both provide basic introductions but in fairness these are specialised areas. Some accessories are mentioned though which gives the opportunity to mention GPS, Fishfinders and Sea Anchors. The book finishes with a piece about the environment and a general closing statement about sit-on-Top kayaking in general.
So, having had a brief tour and description of the book it is time to provide a personal opinion. This is always difficult with books as style is as important, often, as content from the reader’s point of view and there are often temptations to forgive one poor one if the other is good. In this case there is no reason to do so as content and style are both well-suited to the final product and the author’s passion shines throughout. It is not an advanced manual for sea kayaking but doesn’t claim to be - ‘A Beginner’s Manual’ is its title and it fills exactly that role. This doesn’t mean it’s overly basic or of no use at a later stage however as it will take the raw beginner, show the necessary tips and, if all is absorbed, this should leave the beginner (with time on the water) effectively at intermediate stage. The content is sufficiently detailed to be able to take note, apply and fulfil each application but is also described in such a way as to be memorable too. Where greater detail is needed on any points this is also given and the general feeling is that nothing for the newcomer is left out and neither is the reader bombarded with too much information. So, is it a worthwhile purchase?
At eight quid even half this book would be worth the money so to recommend or not is irrelevant. The fact is, it’s a cracking book and its purchase would not be regretted by anyone at the beginner or intermediate stage and would still be enjoyed by the more advanced paddlers of these craft. I enjoyed it so much I finished it in an evening before re-reading it again and constantly refer back to it. Bring on the advanced manual Derek - Thumbs up!
Sea Kayak Navigation: A Practical Manual
Following on from my review of ‘Sit-on-top Kayak: A Beginner's Manual’ by Derek Hairon I have just received ‘Sea Kayak Navigation: A Practical Manual, Essential Knowledge for Finding Your Way at Sea’ by Franco Ferrero to take a look at. This is actually a book I have often had recommended by others on the various kayak angling websites and funnily enough I bought it myself a week or two back, having had my appetite whetted by the sit-on-top book.
This is not a read-once-and-be-done-with-it kind of book. It is a manual and also provides exercises to ensure that what you have read you have actually learnt correctly. I have read it through - the day I got it I had to finish it - and dipped in and out here and there – as that is how it is laid out and designed to be read.
Let us begin with the details and the publisher’s synopsis:
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Pesda Press; 2Rev Ed edition (11 Nov 2007)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1906095035
ISBN-13: 978-1906095031
Product Dimensions: 20.6 x 16 x 1.4 cm
‘The first edition (0953195619 which went out of print spring 2007) rapidly became a standard text for sea kayakers. This new edition builds on that success. There are numerous improvements in the explanations and GPS is covered in more detail, reflecting the increased availability and usage of electronic navigational aids. Full use is made of colour photos, diagrams, maps and charts, further enhancing the reader's experience. Exercises to reinforce and self-assess how much the reader has taken on board are provided at the end of each chapter. 'Sea Kayak Navigation' is recommended as support material for the new British Canoe Union navigation courses that are currently being introduced.’
Sounds useful.
You know what I immediately like about it? It’s the exact same size as Derek Hairon’s book. Of course this is an irrelevance for a review but I do like things neat and tidy like that – it makes the books seem like a set. You see to me a book is not just information – it is an object. Many of my books have become almost like old friends and I must confess that I have a rather good selection of quality books, some signed, many old and a few very rare. I love books.
Physically, the book consists of thin card covers printed in full colour. The front carries a photograph, the rear a photograph and graphic of map and compass. The inner covers carry advertisements (Valley Kayaks and Surf-Lines) and further adverts are printed in the rear – courses, dealers and clothing manufacturers. Once again Pesda Press have produced a high quality book for the price with thick, high-quality matte paper and full-colour printing throughout.
The layout of the book is very clear. A sharp, clear font with easy-to-read line-spacing and a large amount of clear, sharp, well-exposed and colourful photographs gives a feeling of brightness to each and every page. The graphics are simple and well suited – sharp edged photographs occasionally having rounded corners or the application of a drop-shadow, some rapidly faded into the page or cut out. They each come with their own descriptive captions printed in the same size and style of font in blue so they can be easily distinguished.
A lot of graphical illustration is also used and again this is clear and concise. These relate to illustrations of charts, maps, calculations and plans as well as depictions of tidal streams, heights, depths, diagrams and so on. All are easy to read and understand and look familiar to my own charts.
The text itself is broken up into easily-digestible amounts of a paragraph or three and good use of headings and sub headings is made. Additionally, the front features a full contents page and the rear an index. Overall, it’s a very nice-looking book that feels like a quality product. Thumbs up so far!
Now for the content, the important part:
First of all there is an introduction to the author listing his experience as a kayaker to instil confidence in what he has to say. Following on comes a few notes on how to use this book – it is a training manual after all - and then a clear and easy-to-read contents page which, for a manual, is vital. Then we’re into the main body of text:
Keeping it simple:
I’m a great believer in doing just that, being naturally lazy in that I don’t stand when I can sit, and see no point sitting when I can lie down. On a kayak it means I carry less weight and have fewer things to tangle and am less prone to the one mistake that throws everything else awry – a necessity for me as my kayak is already rigged to the gunwhales for fishing and occasionally sailing. So, keeping it simple is an ideal beginning! It also lulls one into a false sense of security as there is a lot of less-than-simple information contained in the ensuing pages. The book begins with: “Ask yourself if you need to do any chart work”. Generally speaking I don’t, other than looking at depths and possible marks beforehand and I tend, at sea, to rely on the fishfinder – using the depth returns with a scan of my chart and a glance at buoy position as reference - but there are times when I would need to make more advanced calculations and this book promises to give me all the information to do just that. This section covers handrails and pilotage – ie following the coast and referring to visible features. Perhaps the simplest means of getting home and one ideal for poor conditions or when you are in an unfamiliar location. The section ends with a practical exercise in map reading.
Decktop Navigation.
This mentions passage planning, equipping the kayak for navigation, charts and maps and plotting instruments. The items mentioned come into play later in the book.
This is the most basic consideration in passage planning and where many people get caught out. This chapter describes tides, tidal patterns, tidal movement, tidal streams and tidal range. So, we have in and out, when, up and down, direction and high and low. That’s a 3D description of tides in one chapter which is finally concluded with Spring, Neap and equinoctial tides. There is also the note about how these can be changed by atmospheric pressure. Again, it finishes with an exercise.
Maps and Charts.
Really, anyone fishing at sea should possess these. Mine stay ashore but I carry a scan in a waterproof bag. This has a general and zoomed view. I don’t use it so much for navigation as for looking for features (depth, wreck, bottom type etc) but it’s very handy when the fog comes down, as it does. Ferrero makes mention not only of maps and charts but also of scale, and illustrates the uses of the two pieces of paper. He continues with explanations of latitude, longitude and projection (ie the physical creation of maps/charts) before explaining some of the more common symbols on charts in a practical way. This concludes with an illustration of heights and depths relating to the chart depictions and the exercises.
Basic Navigation.
This begins with direction. It may seem simple but that, as anyone who has done any orienteering will tell you, is vital. When on foot or in a kayak the principle is the same – you are aiming for a precise location rather than following the red road in your routefinder. It continues with an estimation of paddler capabilities for distance and speed. Slowly, the considerations are brought into play as a graphic calculation combining chart, distance and speed is shown. Dead Reckoning comes into play next and a useful ‘ready reckoner’ chart is shown. Transits come next along with a few useful symbols for chart marking. There is also a very clear example, with chart and photograph, of how to judge by transit point where you are. This cleared up in seconds something I had wondered for the last 18 years when my aunt used to find a mark at sea by looking at the coastline – I now know how she did it! Exercises conclude the chapter.
Buoyage and Lights.
Would you drive through a city ignoring traffic lights? Do you disregard road signs? Then this chapter is not for you. For the rest of us though, especially in busy areas, there is very useful information given. Lateral, Cardinal, Danger and Safe-Water buoys are all explained along with channel markers and symbology. Lighting information follows and is related to the chart and an exercise completes the chapter.
The Compass.
Do you carry one? Trust me, a hair and a magnetised pin doesn’t work when you’re out to sea. Explanations of true, magnetic and grid north are given along with magnetic variation and, therefore, compass north. Examples are given for altering chart to magnetic and magnetic to true. There follows an explanation of compass types and their usefulness along with compass usage. Chart work follows, including laying-off a bearing and steering courses. The usual exercises end the chapter.
Bob Dylan once sang ‘Oh where have you been my blue-eyed son?’ I am, however, less lucid and more prone to exclaim ‘where the …. am I?’ Ferrero here covers getting a fix on your sea-position by taking bearings from the land and transferring to the chart. Basic triangulation. It then continues through latitude, longitude and grid reference to bearing and distance calculations. This is useful information both for the kayaker and the emergency services if needed.
Predicting Tides.
This covers the use of tide tables, mean springs/neaps, local high water times from secondary ports, tidal streams and diamonds, flood/ebb arrows, tidal races and overfalls, tidal stream atlases and interpolation, pilot books, eddies and tidal stream speed. Plenty to get your teeth into! An illustration of calculations and chart markings brings much of it into perspective. Descriptions follow of how to calculate tidal stream speed at various stages of tide, the height of the tide and how to judge by eye. Quite a few exercises on this chapter!
Allowing for wind and tide.
What it says. The importance of planning in order to use the tide is made early on and definitions of both boat and ground speed are given. Tidal drift, cross tides, ferry glides, transits and shaping courses are all described and illustrations are aplenty along with mathematical equations and practical exercises. A common mistake is also highlighted. Wind is covered next, with head, tail and cross winds all covered. The Beaufort scale is reproduced along with explanations of its effects on kayaks. Correcting for wind is described but it is also stated that it is tricky – it is not as predictable as the tide. Exercises follow.
Handheld GPS.
Relating GPS co-ordinates, bearings and waypoints to charts along with their use for handrailing is given along with warnings not to rely fully on these devices. Having had a battery run out in fog and coming in by compass myself I feel this is a very god point to make. Distances, speed, tidal rate, waypoints, mapping software are all mentioned. Pointers where traditional methods are superior are also given – ie shaping a course and avoiding accidents. Routes and cross track error are also described and brief mention is made of handheld chartplotters. I have an all-in-one fishfinder/chartplotter/GPS which I find to be a very useful item but my chart and compass are always with me too as both back-up and at-a-glance items. This is a relatively concise look at a wide and technical area. The subject of GPS, in my opinion, requires a book in itself but as an overview with some handy observations this chapter is a very useful inclusion, especially as GPS is becoming more widely used.
Open Crossings.
This makes mention of slack water, ferry gliding and timing. Calculations and chart examples are shown along with information on correcting for tide over time and advice on working the tide to your own advantage. A useful amount of varied illustrations and some relevant exercises help to make this one sink in.
Poor Visibility.
This covers training, navigational information, safety equipment, night vision (very important, although it missed one important point – a red lens on your torch will not affect night vision). Tactics are all discussed for navigating and group paddling along with good pointers on leadership, control and communication.
Planning a Trip.
The last section, this is for the reader the culmination of the study. A fully marked chart is shown as an example along with a trip planner sheet (also available for download) which relates to the trip marked on the chart. Mathematical equations relating to this are shown along with a textual description behind it all. This puts it all into one place and if it all makes sense then you know you’ve read the book properly!
So, having had a brief tour and description of the book it is time to provide a personal opinion. Content and style are both well-suited to this manual and although a text-book as such the writing is engaging and therefore easy to absorb and keep reading. The author’s knowledge shines throughout which, as an advanced manual for sea kayak navigation, is comforting to say the least! The title of the book relates precisely what you are getting and it fills precisely that role. The content covers everything the reader would need to know in order to get on the water and head off for a long, navigational paddle incorporating the full range of considerations for the trip. If you absorb it all you will be well set-up for going out to sea. Though much information is given it rarely feels like being bombarded. Reading through is pleasant and dipping in couldn’t be easier (perhaps the best way to use this book other than as reference when planning in advance). The answers to the exercises are online at the Pesda Press website too so you can’t sneakily take a peek in the back of the book.
So, is it a worthwhile purchase?
Of course! For a tenner you are getting all the necessary information you’ll need on compass, map and chart work relating to sea conditions. That alone is worth the money. With quality production on top as a bonus it’s a cheap purchase. Is it an enjoyable book? Certainly – it’s a pleasant way to learn the knowledge and has lots of inspiration amongst its pages. Would I recommend it? I wouldn’t hesitate to. The only problem with it, for me, is that I haven’t got any negative things to say to balance out the review. Franco Ferrero didn’t even make any spelling mistakes! Thumbs up again.
Welsh Sea Kayaking: Fifty Great Sea Kayak Voyages
Along with the previous two titles already mentioned, Pesda Press sent me ‘Welsh Sea Kayaking: Fifty Great Sea Kayak Voyages’ by Jim Krawiecki and Andy Biggs to read and review as well. I must confess to being slightly apprehensive about reviewing this one as I have never kayaked in Wales and probably am unlikely to with regards to touring - being an angler I’m more inclined to paddle out to a mark, fish it, and come back in again so am perhaps not best placed to give an opinion. However, on reading it I was soon aware that it didn’t really matter that much. As a guide to the coastline and fifty selected voyages it’s again not a read-once-and-be-done-with-it kind of book. Instead it whets the appetite for expeditions and gives advice on each of these. I must confess to not having read it cover to cover; rather I have dipped in and out here and there at places throughout the book as I would were I planning to do some selected trips on a holiday, say, in Wales. It is NOT a book designed with the purpose of reading from front to back although it is certainly possible, and someone familiar with the area will find it interesting and inspiring to do so. I did, however, read a fair amount of the book (probably two-thirds) and feel able to give my review. Here are the details and the publisher’s synopsis:
Welsh Sea Kayaking: Fifty Great Sea Kayak Voyages. Jim Krawiecki and Andy Biggs.
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Pesda Press (14 Sep 2006)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0954706188
ISBN-13: 978-0954706180
Product Dimensions: 23.8 x 16.8 x 2.2 cm
From the Dee Estuary to the Bristol Channel, the Welsh coastline in all its varied guises provides a fantastic playground for the sea kayaker. The fifty journeys selected cover all of the interesting parts of the coast and provide easy sheltered paddles, testing offshore trips for the adventurous and everything in between. Illustrated with superb colour photographs and useful maps throughout, this book is a practical guide to help you select and plan trips. It will provide inspiration for future voyages and a souvenir of journeys undertaken. As well as providing essential information on where to start and finish, distances, times and tidal information, the book does much to stimulate and inform our interest in the environment we are passing through. It is full of facts and anecdotes about local history, geology, scenery, seabirds and sea mammals. It is a fascinating read and an inspirational book.
I’d go along with that.
Physically, the book consists of thin card covers printed in full colour. The front and rear carry photographs and the inner covers carry a basic map of Wales with numbers purporting to each trip at the front and an advertisement for Surf-Lines in the rear. Further relevant adverts are also printed in the rear. Once again, in common with the previous Pesda Press offerings I’ve read, the book is printed on thick, high-quality matte paper and is full-colour throughout - it’s another quality production and this does justify the price.
The layout of the book is very clear. A sharp, clear font with easy-to-read line-spacing and a large amount of clear, sharp, well-exposed and colourful photographs (on almost every page) give a feeling of brightness throughout. The graphics (maps and basic charts) are simple and clear to read. Images are clearly captioned so you know what and where you are looking at. The text is easily-digestible being written in a style that flows without waffling or becoming too dry - the authors giving plenty of detail broken down into relevant sub-headings. Additionally, the front features a full contents page and the back a detailed index. Overall, it’s a very nice-looking book that looks and feels like a quality product. It would be a fine addition to any travelling kayaker’s shelf.
Now for the content, the important part:
The book begins with a note on coastal access in Wales along with paragraphs regarding the environment, respect and camping as well as a reminder about the dangers of sea kayaking.
Following this is a section informing the reader of how to use the guide. It explains the layout of the sections, how trip classifications translate and map symbols used along with an example.
The next section is a page regarding the authors and their experience; both are experienced sea kayakers and this reinforces the background to the information contained inside.
There follows an introduction to the North Coast of Wales and an overview of tides and weather along with suggested further reading. Three trips in this area are give. Next comes the Anglesey / Ynys Môn region and a further 12 trips. The Lleyn Peninsula has another 7, Cardigan Bay 5, Pembrokeshire 16 and the Gower and Bristol Channel 7 more. Plenty to chose from from all around the country. So, what does a trip guide consist of?
Picking one truly at random (indicative of them all) I chose Porth Dinllaen to Porth Oer, the top 1/3 of the page taken up with a suitably inspiring photograph. This is voyage No. 17, it is classified Grade B ( mid-range voyage in terms of distance and difficulty), is 19km long and can be found on Ordnance Survey sheet 123. The nearest tidal port is Liverpool.
That’s the general info listed at the top. Next comes start and finish locations (with grid references), high water and low water time differences for the ‘local’ tidal port, tidal stream times, tidal rates (max spring rate) and the coastguard information of telephone number and VHF weather report channel.
These put the paddler in the know of the basic details necessary for the voyage. Next comes the main text:
The introduction mentions historical and geographical information along with some pointers of how best to enjoy the route.
The description follows, giving basic travel directions to the start point (including parking tips). It then mentions ebbs and overfalls (and how to avoid them) and proceeds to describe the journey in more detail including things you might see en-route, along with some possible exits to campsite, pub and post office and an alternative finishing point. It ends with notes on landings at the end.
Tide and Weather comes next, this gives details on wind directions and their effects along with advice on when during the tide it is best to depart in order to take advantage of the ebbing tidal stream. It also mentions the forming of overfalls at certain times and the effects of wind over tide conditions.
Additional Information in this instance mentions a grocers shop, other shops and a petrol station. Campsites (and phone numbers) are also listed.
Variations is the last section - those listed here are reversing the route and alternate start and finish points.
This particular voyage is accompanied by two photographs, an ‘interest’ insert regarding Porth Dinllaen Harbour and another about ‘The Wreck of the Stuart’. Finally, half a page is given to a clear map indicating local roads and towns/villages along with suggested route, and details marked on such as high/low water times and tidal rates and the location of possible rough water.
That’s certainly a pretty detailed guide to that trip! The rest are more or less covering the same formula although not all have ‘interest’ inserts.
The book finishes with the Appendices. First up is Coastguard and Emergency Services including a map of who covers where, their telephone numbers and the times of weather announcements on VHF Channel 16.
Appendix B is weather information. Local and national radio weather forecast times are given as is the met office website address. A note on VHF radio follows with regards to weather and navigation and details of obtaining forecast by telephone are also given.
Appendix C lists Pilot books for the area.
Appendix D lists mean tidal ranges.
Appendix E is a glossary of Welsh language place names.
Appendix F gives recommended reading.
Appendix G is a guide to the use of the Trip Planning Route Card which follows and ends the book.
So, having had a tour and description of the book it is time to provide a personal opinion. First off, it is not a book I would have gone and bought on myself simply because I would be unlikely to make use of it as a kayak angler who is unlikely to make these voyages. That said, were I situated in Wales rather than directly opposite in Suffolk then it would be a book I would make space for as it has plenty of useful information that I would appreciate having at my fingertips as well as being a prompt to try other locations and the odd bit of touring. It’s a well written book; it is descriptive and does precisely what it is intended to do. It is inspiring and readable and if you use it properly you are assured of a voyage in which you are well briefed and prepared for. It’s not an ideal literary companion inasmuch as providing a book to read in the general manner but is rather useful at the bedside - I went to sleep with it two nights in a row! I must add that this was not because it was boring but rather because it was a pleasant way to end the day; half a dozen voyages at sea to go to sleep with in your mind. A word of warning though, if just straight ‘reading’ it does sometimes feel like you are being bombarded with detail. If reading to plan a trip though it is spot on and as its set out to allow parts to be glossed over this is fine.
So, is it a worthwhile purchase?
If you just want to read about kayaking then no. Other titles will provide more entertainment value. If you are intending to take a trip to Wales for kayaking, or live in the area though then I would deem it to be very worthwhile. It’s certainly worth the price in this respect as it is a large book of good quality production with extensively-researched and exhaustive coverage of its content. So yes, although not one for me generally it’s a thumbs up again and I’ll keep it just in case I head west…
Oh yeah, and page 182 has the best kayaking photograph I have seen. Absolutely first-rate.
Discover Kayak Fishing
Following on from the previous Pesda Press titles I have reviewed in the past comes the title for which us kayak anglers have been waiting for; Andy Benham’s ‘Discover Kayak Fishing’. For those of us who like to have a rod in our hands and the paddle stowed this promises to be the ideal bookshelf companion for ‘Sit-on-top Kayak: A Beginner's Manual’ by Derek Hairon, ‘Sea Kayak’ by Gordon Brown and ‘Sea Kayak Navigation: A Practical Manual’ by Franco Ferrero. The book itself is written by a lifetime angler and writer with a decent amount of time on the water under his belt and contains a wealth of knowledge useful to those looking to take up kayak angling. Written as a checklist and beginners guide it is a book to both pick up and read or dip into for ideas. I shall start this review with the details and the publisher’s synopsis:
“This is the first book on the subject published on this side of the Atlantic, with our different fish species, techniques and approach. The book is aimed at the angler who has taken up or is curious about kayak fishing. Experienced kayakers will also benefit from Andy's kayak fishing wisdom. Topics include: Choosing your fishing kayak and equipment. Practical tips on modifying your kayak and installing a fish finder. Kayaking with confidence and staying safe at sea. Seamanship; tides, weather and charts for anglers and kayakers. Using handheld GPS and VHF radios. Fishing skills; top tips on anchoring and 'downtiding' from your kayak. What to fish for; Andy's tips for catching your favourite fish. And more, including freshwater fish and wreck fishing.
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Pesda Press (16 Aug 2010)
ISBN-10: 1906095221
ISBN-13: 978-1906095222
This book consists of thin card covers printed in full colour; the front and rear carry photographs and the inner covers and some rear pages carry advertisements from relevant companies. The inner pages are printed onto high-quality matte paper and the full-colour printing throughout does justice to the photography within and gives a crisp and very readable text. In height and width it matches the other Pesda titles; this is an irrelevance for a review but it does turn the Pesda books into a set on my shelf which is important to me as I’m a book lover and acquire books not just for the information contained within one title.
The layout of the book is very clear. A sharp, clear font with easy-to-read line-spacing and a large amount of clear, well-exposed and colourful photographs gives a feeling of brightness to each page. The graphics are simple and well suited - sharp edged photographs occasionally faded into the page or cut out. They each come with their own descriptive captions printed in blue italics so that they can be easily distinguished. Some illustration is also to be found amongst the pages and again this is clear and concise. The text itself is broken up into easily-digestible paragraphs with line breaks between each paragraph and good use of headings and sub headings is made. Additionally, the front features a full contents page and the back a comprehensive index. Overall, it’s a very nicely produced book that feels like a quality product. Thumbs up so far!
Now for the content, the important part.
Beginning with a brief introduction of the author and an acknowledgements page the book leads into a foreword explaining the purpose of the book and the attractions of kayak angling. The author then goes on to tell how and why he started out and this is something that will likely strike a chord with most of the current kayak anglers who moved from shore fishing to kayaks in search of fish. Then it’s onto the meat of the text.
The ‘Getting Started’ section starts with the assumption that sit on top kayaks are the preferred craft for dedicated fishing platforms; a safe assumption as almost all regular kayak anglers are indeed using these due to their eminent suitability in terms of balancing stability, working space and adaptability. This is followed by a description of construction methods before moving onto the advice to ‘try before you buy’. A run-down of what to look for in a sit on top is combined with the considerations of the kayaker to think about intended uses and physical build. There follows advice on how to handle the kayak safely off the water before moving onto some examples of leading models and their particular strengths. Paddle choice comes next and covers materials, length and weight issues before the author takes a look at alternative methods of propulsion including both motorised and pedal kayaks. Transportation by land leads on from this with advice on trolleys and straps.
The next section deals with clothing. The question of what to wear is one often discussed on internet forums and the author goes through the various options of both wet and dry clothing, footwear, gloves and the all-important care and maintenance of this equipment. The author follows this with a section on advised safety equipment covering such items as buoyancy aids, equipment leashes, rescue knives, flares, VHF radio and other items along with RNLI recommendations.
The following section deals with fitting out the kayak. This is something missing from other UK kayaking books as anglers have different requirements and the author covers the all-important rod holders and storage crates along with a look at rudders. With almost all sit on tops being devoid of skegs and having different hull shapes whilst also being wider and higher than dedicated sea kayaks weathercocking can be an issue at times and these are therefore a more important consideration than in other branches of kayaking.
The following section is a look at paddling and other training, the most important aspect of which is self-rescue. The methods and need for this are covered in depth before moving onto the notion of paddle plans and informing the coastguard of your intentions. The temptation to cover general kayaking skills is avoided here as other titles cover this in more and greater depth than would be suitable in the remit of this book. Naturally this leads onto seamanship where the author looks at weather and tides before leading into navigational chart usage and subsequently GPS. This continues on towards other marine electronics with emphasis on fishfinders and how to fit, power and maintain them. VHF radio is covered in greater detail here and was correct at the time of going to press although Ofcom have subsequently approved handheld DSC units.
Then comes the diversion from the general kayaking information to more specific information. The major difference that kayak anglers have to normal kayakers other than aroma is in the requirement to stay static at times and the section on safe anchoring goes into some detail on this, dedicating over ten pages to it. It is often said that this can be the most dangerous thing kayak anglers do on the water – hopefully this will alleviate most of the issues that can arise.
Tackle is covered next with a brief look at rods and reels before taking a look at some of the species and methods most likely to be encountered. Lures, bait and fly fishing are all covered along with an advisory paragraph regarding bass nursery areas. There follows a short section on freshwater kayak angling before briefly looking at taking things further with night fishing and wreck fishing before mentioning sustainable fishing and a word or two about being responsible anglers.
So, having had a brief tour and description of the book it is time to provide a personal opinion. Content and style are both well-suited to the title of ‘Discover Kayak Fishing’ and this is what the book is about. It is not an encyclopaedic reference manual covering everything from how to tie on a hook through to landing everything from a stickleback to a porbeagle anywhere from ponds to Dogger Bank (there are countless general angling books around to fulfil that role at all levels, so vast is the subject). Instead it assumes an interest in bridging the gap between other angling disciplines to starting out as a kayak angler and as such dedicates most of its space to the aspects which are not present in these other branches. It is also more relevant to UK fishing than those books already available on the subject written from the other side of the Atlantic where both methods and conditions differ greatly. The content covers everything the reader would need to know in order to get on the water and begin fishing in a safe and responsible manner from a kayak and although a reference book as such the writing is engaging and therefore easy to absorb and keep reading. Reading through is pleasant, dipping in couldn’t be easier and the author’s passion shines throughout; I was thoroughly absorbed.
So, is it a worthwhile purchase?
Of course! For the price of a bit of bait you are getting all the necessary information you’ll need to get started and that alone is worth the money. With quality production on top as a bonus it’s a cheap purchase. Is it an enjoyable book? Certainly – it’s a pleasant way to learn the basic knowledge and has lots of inspiration amongst its pages both for mainstream anglers looking to begin fishing from kayaks and for existing kayak owners wishing to take the step into fishing from them. Would I recommend it to those starting out in kayak fishing? I wouldn’t hesitate to and there is something of interest to intermediate and advanced kayak anglers too; even to a squid-fingered heretic like myself!