Mike and I were planning to fish a bit later when the tide was right but with a fine morning I figured I could make a start with a quick troll for bass. Conditions looked reasonable at first and I wandered down the beach, launched and paddled north. The water was coloured but not too lumpy as I drahged my lures up the wall and across the harbour mouth before heading around the point.
The sea picked up here but I gave it a shot…nothing at all on the way up and coming back things started to build even more. Still no fish so I just carried on home, landed and reloaded the car. Lake Lothing mullet bash it would be then; I called Mike and arranged our meeting time.
So, there we were, down harbour Road where the crystal clear water gives numerous sightings of large mullet. Normally. A few days of dredging near the bridge had coloured this right up though with a horrible brown slick and instead of taking he kayaks on the water we just tried from the jetty, using small spinners with a bit of isome worm mounted onto small trailing hooks and light line. This worked for Cam and Si and Ken down in Christchurch so it should work for us. In clear water. I was using my lovely, smooth Maxximus KM11000 on the 2-16g Highest Modulus, sill a nice set-up despite having removed the rod tip with my car window a few weeks prior.
Mike was also giving it a go.
It was only a few days before when I’d seen them right here and on a rising tide the fish would have been present, visible and feeding if it wasn’t for this soup. Still, I tried.
We wandered around looking for clear water and found nothing so headed off to the lock gate and, still murky, crossed the road to try at the moorings on Oulton Broad for pike or perch. The only interest I had was ducklings that chased my spinner immediately! It was easy to keep it away from them and they were fun to watch.
No joy for Mike either and we packed in after a bit.
Back to the cars and then, with the day still young, we headed to ness Point to see whether the sea had improved at all. Well, trolling for bass was out and anchoring for hounds was out. Might as well grab a coffee instead.
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