My clock was not reset after my shifts and so I woke at five. That's dumb. It was already light though and I knew that was it for me, I'd not get to sleep again and
I'd had an early night anyway so I figured I may as well get up and have a coffee. I managed this without waking anyway.
I also got dresssed without waking anyone.
I also changed some trebles on some lures without waking anyone.
Which led me to thinking i could jump in the car and get the kayak to the end of the road without waking anyone.
By six I was on the water and had my lures out = pink Minnow 12 and orange Minnow 11, both Fladen of course, inshore and offshore sides respectively. I paddled alog
the rocks and up the harbour wall to no avail and then crossed the mouth; no-one was about and the only radio chatter were windfarm boats moving around to bunker fueld
from various parts of the port. I ran up the iron work and around the point with nothing and figured that my dawn excursion was merely going to be an enjoyable start
to the weekend. As it was the water was coloured up with a three to four foot swell, coming onshore and hitting the rocks. At least it was fairly high so I hadn't got
to worry overly about the misplaced ones.
Past the jetty with nothing and I headed up. The birder girder was passed and I headed for the Ness...I say passed but only just! There was a banging on the offsore
rod and the orange minnow was in. I paddled out from the rocks to avouid being killed before breakfast and began the, a three pounder came into the boat. Happy days!
I continued on most of the way up to the ness, past the spot I had the double (it often produces here) and then turned. I wa snow against the tide and more hopeful
though the water was very dirty, maybe six inches visibility at most and it was pretty rough. I rounded the jetty without anything and got all the way to the iron
work. Slow down, clear the weed, have a look to see if anyone's exiting, keep close and...bang!
Here we go, lovely job. A favourite spot this and once again I was in with a feisty four punder that refused point blank to be grabbed, diving every time and pulingt
he xtraflexx tip straight down. Poorly hooked too, I wasn't sure I'd land it...I did though, only for it to promptly slither back out again...fingers under that gill
plate without slicing myself and it was in again. Hurrah! That would suffice, I made my way back, ambling along and smiling and texting a photo to James telling him to
wake up. Back to the beach, car brought around, back home and start getting things together for a fried breakfast for four. It was now around 730.
Flo came down. Now I avoid going out fishing on the weekends usually, it's not worth the aggro. She took one look at me in my underfleece and demanded to know where I
was going.
"Nowhere. I've been"
And there in the sink lay a decent brace of bass.
Postscript. I called Brian up to see if he was catching yet, about half-nine I guess. he wasn't going until two though but told me he'd got something for me and would
be down at the boat at half eleven. So I duly wandered down witht he girls and my can and there, overnighting in a crayfish trap, was a new pet; a six inch dogfish to
join the shanny and assorted other critters in my tank! Marvellous stuff and the kids were in love instantly. Then...did we want a ride? He was just going to check his
pots with Andreew, it'd take about an hour and knowing the kids would love it we jumped aboard. It was such a glorious morning to be doing something like this and
seeing the multitude of brown and shore crabs, shrimps, prawns and lobsters made their day, as did releasing all but two of the brown crabs and the prawns that would
come home to join the tank inhabitants.
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