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Saturday, 5 October 2013

October is Scorpio!...05/10/2013

October is Scorpio!...05/10/2013 The internet tells me that the element associated with Scorpio is water. As opposed to the 'roiling seas' seen in other Water Signs, a better motto for Scorpios would be 'still waters run deep. Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and that shouldn't be taken lightly -- nor should Scorpios. That’s what it says. But more of that later. Saturday? me fishing on a Saturday? Why? Simple. My children were off to the second birthday party in two days and I didn’t have to attend on account of being on shift later. This meant – hurrah – a couple of hours spare which, with the huge seas of the week having disappeared into a flat calm bit of water I had a good opportunity to give Kiddie’s Corner a bash with the LRF gear again. It’s only a few weeks since I gave it the first go and I’d managed bonus Shanny and Corkwing, a first and a first local, and my first local Pouting of the year. I figured the crashing waves would have stirred things up nicely and got everything feeding so I was hopeful. Down the road, into the sea, along the beach and drop anchor on the previous spot as wrasse are supposedly territorial. A lead down and a float out. Crystal waggler, size 16, 3ft depth. Water depth was around 4ft, a foot swell, but with jumbled rocks. The lead kept snagging, the flow kept moving me about and eventually I lost the first rig without a (seen) bite. But there was still the float with its pinch of defrosted frozen black Lancashire lugworm. I retied. Still waters…not quite. Run deep…not quite. Not taken lightly…not likely. My float went under and I struck. I could feel the wriggle on the end. Hurrah! Something here, what though? That’s how I’d had the shanny last time…I swung it up and in and immediately let out a whoop. Which is something a few people know I do from time to time. This whoop was too much of a whoop for a three inch tiddler but in context I’ve only had one before and was in love with it immediately. Now, I’d had one off the pier around the millennium which I thought was a baby monkfish. I wasn’t really into it so much then you see, and had seen a larger one on another occasion landed by a kid. So, my first locally for many years and my second ever. Not to mention my third point and another ‘bonus’ species. The biggest whoop though was on account of not having to drive over a hundred miles in the hope of ignoring bass and getting through the pout to get one off the north coast on the wreck of the Rosalie at Weybourne where I’d found one before. Yep, I’d got me a Long Spined Sea Scorpion! “Photobucket” It’s the Johnny Rotten of the fish world this. Spiky and full of spirit. Father Lasher is another name it has. Maybe it’s not a streamlined, smooth, shiny handsome fish, perhaps it’s an ugly brute of a devil but personally I think it’s wonderful and would absolutely love to have one in a tank. They have the habit of changing colour to suit their surroundings too. definitely worthy of a whoop! Nothing else was coming so I moved along to the corner, try by the pier and see if a shanny would come, or perhaps a weever; maybe even a rockling or who knows what? I lost another rig. And another. No bites. I gave it quite a while and then battled to retrieve my anchor. Back again to the first spot. Nothing more but hey, I’d had a surprise prize and I wasn’t complaining, besides, it was bed time. So I started back and then decided to stick on a one inch lure I’ve had for ages and never used just on the off-chance that my strokes of pure luck over the last two days would result in a bonus salmon, sea trout, tuna or marlin. Of course it did nothing but there’s always hope. “Photobucket” I landed; it looked like rain so it was probably for the best. Now what shall I play at tomorrow? Or should I stop playing around and behave properly seeing as how Lead Us were out where I usually fish and had already caught (after three hours fishing when I spoke to him at midday on my way out) 7 codling, 10 dogfish and around 70 whiting. Hmm. No. I’ve got all week.

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