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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Crame Name Famed

Well it’s been interesting here at Snapper HQ lately in terms of getting ourselves in the press, thanks largely to our former sponsorship with Ocean Kayak UK (with the change of distributor I have decided to no longer represent them if they wish to have a UK Team) and Eloise's sponsorship from Fladen Fishing who supplied the rod, reel and end tackle with which she got top female, second junior and a specimen Black Bream in the OK Classic competition at Swanage. Well, we've still got boats and Abigail, my new Padawan has just had her first kayak seas fishing session on her Ocean Kayak Kea which has now been fitted out. Firstly Whippersnapper was featured in Sea Angler at the Swanage Comp (yours truly also getting mentions there and TSF) and with her and I both picking up specimen bream plus my big bass a few weeks later we got ourselves in the catch/bass/mission pages of Sea Angler and Total Sea Fishing, with her picking up the Shimano Mission patch for her Black Bream and my getting the Black Bream and Bass ones…oh, and I had to pull up the feature writer who ran on a load of old shit about smoothounds in a previous issue, getting that letter in the same issue of Sea Angler. Back to a boring issue next month then… “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket” “Photobucket”

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