Saturday morning was of course taken up with Eloise and her smut session and what a great time it was, finished off with a trip to Sealife to see them swimming.
Interestingly, we’d brought hers home so she could feed the family even though it was a female and when we did the biology lesson of dissecting and seeing what it had eaten, the liver, heart etc I found that it was carrying eggs. Not only eggs but three fertilised ones with embryos. Now I wasn’t sure whether to post these and I felt a bit bad about it but I figure they are rather interesting images so have decided to share them.
Westie had come out too but the smuts had eluded him. Garrymac, on the other hand, had caught 4, and good ones at that…his report proved irresistible to Tim and I got a text to say he was coming straight back for Sunday morning. I guess that constituted a plan then ;D
Bootster was told to stop partying and come along too and with a later than normal launch owing to the tides we assembled at Hopton around 07:30 in sunshine and a bit more wind, swell and chop than the day before; no rain though. Out we went and the tide was ripping through making anchoring a tad uncomfortable at times.
Tim’s luck was better today and he called over that he had his first smoothie on! I started trying to get the pics when my rod started tapping away too but decided to leave it. Big mistake. Stupid bastard lost it on the surface just as he was about to pull it aboard ;D
Then Boots paddled past.
Then Tim caught a Dogfish, followed soon after by my own one. He was getting constant bites, mine were just small and irregular.
Then he was into another smoothies
And dogs and whiting and more smoothies. I wasn’t getting bites at all. Bait was the usual whole, unwashed Loligo squid
Finally! The tide was dying away and then a pack moved through…he was in, then I was in. Now I’d said to Tim earlier that I wasn’t too worried about catching loads today as I’d had a few of them but I’d really like a Common, having only had two and no photos for various reasons. Well, this feisty male broke the surface and I could see a distinctive lack of spots!
I had my common at last ;D I brought it in, unclipped my lead and carried on the scrap. It was strong this one. It was a bugger of a job to get it to smile but finally I got what I wanted.
I didn’t want any more for the freezer though but unfortunately this fella was quite badly hooked and while trying to put it back I saw rather alarming amounts of blood washing from its gills. That and it’s general lack of movement decided me on having to take him home so out came the priest for the last rites :(
That was it, I was heading in now, job done. Tim had another one on (fifth landed) and as I got my anchor up I headed over for a quick photoshoot.
That was it and we all headed in to the beach, clearing it of 30 bathers once they saw the shark ;D A great (possible) ending to my Smut season.
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