I’d sorted a new mount for my ATC9K so that I could do some filming too, this would allow me to fit the camera in a selection of places where inserts were already placed and I chose the forward one at the front of the hatch.
I was ready to go as the sun crept over the horizon.
Within half an hour I was in position at the buoy and settled down to fish in around 30ft of water. The current was starting to ease as I dropped anchor and baited up.
I got lots of small bites from the start but kept missing them until finally a small whiting took the hook properly and I brought it in – the first fish of the year. This woke the boats up and soon I was being passed by workboats, yachts and charters, one of whom stopped to look at the idiot on the kayak…they asked how I was doing but I couldn’t really excite them…
Next up was a thin dab which I x-rayed before putting back to swim around with the whiting.
As the tide started to ease and Popeye came out in a proper boat around the same length as my yak I started to get stronger bites and dropped one near the surface as he looked on. It was a dogfish that was holding onto a strip of mackerel. Damn, the first decent pull of the day and it looked a nice size when it broke surface. Shortly after the kayak began to swing, heralding the ending of slack water and as I pulled my baits along the bottom another fish grabbed hold and I was in; a doggie came to the surface.
Three fish, three species and a glorious morning on the water left me happy for the rest of the day and I paddled home to eat dogfish with black butter, s erved alongside a skate wing I defrosted as well.
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