Saturday morning looked excellent for a session. Firstly, it was Saturday morning; enough said. Secondly the weather was going to be good and thirdly the fish were known to have been around at least recently and they were a rather tasty one. So, with arrangements made I headed off to (no longer) Great Yarmouth for a 5am launch. Slimjim was going to meet me there with his mate Harrison, BillNorfolk would be coming too and Brotherwarren was also travelling up from south of the border.
We got out I short order to a flat sea and a morning that was bright and already beginning to warm up. Paddling down towards the rocks of the newly-built outer harbour BillNorfolk and I tried briefly near the power station outfall (it looked fishy) before heading off to the harbour to try trolling along the side. I stopped to retrieve some snagged rope which revealed a broken-free section of old net and by the time I’d freed a crab and put the rubbish in my tankwell I was drifting at 1 knot along the wall...I was being sucked out by a rip that gathered pace the further out I got.
I failed to get a knock on the J13’s I was trolling and near the end of the wall I spied the others heading back towards me. The current was pretty strong now and I decided that perhaps the clearer water in the harbour would throw up some fish. I went in and the rest joined me.
I tried trolling and casting but my attention span dropped and I changed my mind. I only had four hours anyway so figured I’d troll the outside again and then head in close to shore. So, off we went and headed back into the was pretty hard going, getting on for four knots at the worst point as it rounded the end of the harbour but with a bit of effort we made it through to the slightly easier water. A nice bit of exercise to start the weekend ;D Brotherwarren anchored up to bait fish while the rest of us mooched around chatting or paddling around...
...well, apart from Slimjim who carried on trolling. I looked up at one point when I heard his ratchet sing but he didn’t have a fish on so I ignored it. Until, a few minutes later...
Yep, his patience and effort had paid off and his deep runner had plucked a 3lb bass out of the sea!
Well say no more! I swapped the J13’s for Magnum 9’s and started trolling the area as well...and got a hook up straight away ;D the same sort of size it was duly dispatched and popped into the catch bag. Dinner was sorted. Ben had another, then I pulled in a smaller one and he caught two more. He outfished us all with four, three of which were keepers. His mate Harrison, however, was too engrossed with enjoying the morning and the attentions of an inquisitive seal – I guess it was worth the drive ;D
Being on a tight timetable I headed in a round nine and pulled up onto the beach. That’s when it started – within a couple of minutes my yak was covered, literally, in thunderflies. I’ve never seen anything like it and had to submerge myself three or four times before driving home. Fortunately the one I swallowed was washed down with a beautifully chilled can of Bud all the way from the States - thanks guys!
Fish, friends, sunlight and peace. That’s what it’s about.
Back home it was a quick turnaround and then Abigail and I went to fetch the rest of the kayaks for the following day.
Of course we had to pass a river on the way home and so we had a day out with friends.
Not just friends though – workmate Barney was out with his family on an Old Town open canoe (well, once he’d finished breakfast). A wander upriver to the pub was the end result and although I missed the only pike my one rod tempted Abigail and I enjoyed the day thoroughly.
The next day saw my wife and I out with the girls again. The luxury of a whole weekend off has been scarce this summer so we made the most of it...this day was a kayak picnic to be followed later by a World Cup Final Barbecue at a Spanish friend’s house. Both were great. Eloise began the trip with a seal launch (I wasn’t filming so supported the Kea all the way in) and then paddled a mile or so up river without assistance.
On the way back though, having not allowed her to swim yet, I turned to see her in the water ;D Grinning. Oh well...she earned her playtime with her impressive self-taught paddling!
Like father, like daughter!
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