We arrived at the beach, kitted up and headed down to the water’s edge. Liam hadn’t hit the water here yet and was a bit concerned about heading into the cauldron but as we had some reasonable, surfable waves at the beginning we played in them first of all. I had a new toy to try out too – my aunt had passed her largely unused Oregon Scientific Action Cam onto me and I’d strapped it to my kayaking helmet ;D
What a blast! We surfed a bit, hit the rebounding waves a bit, tried to get caught in the 6ft ‘boomers’ and tried to avoid getting taken out by Steve who had his kite surfing gear out. The Action Cam had a decent workout too and alternated between mine and Steve’s heads. Is it any good? Judge for yourselves:
And a bit of Steve’s kite surfing:
Oh, and you know that question of whether you can use a kite with a yak? Well, don’t try this at home kids...
The weekend was a blast and Monday was spent more sedately on a demo, marred only by my knowing the surf was going to be bigger and cleaner at home...
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