parked up it was out with the yak, on with the gear and a far later launch than originally hoped for. Not that it really matters though because a session with a mate is always worth doing. Steve111 had sent me a text earlier to ask if I was up for fishing and a reply of yes, in Christchurch was fun to reply with.
Lovely, a short walk to the beach, a short walk to the water and a quick set-up and we were ready to go.
We paddled out avoiding a small surf break that looked like fun in bigger sea (and looked like a bass spot) and began drifting.
I didn't get a nibble on the drift - a slight drift - with a 4/0 pennel and black lug o one rod and squid-baited feathers on the other so dropepd the anchor down and tried that while the sun went down.
Bugger me, there was nothing happening! To me, this is a summer dream of a place with loads of species we don't get at home, clear water and lots of fish (my most ever from the sea was here last year). I commented on this lack of action and it seemed we were both in the same boat. I changed the feathers to a 2-hook boom flapper instead and on James' advice put on some Mackerel - almost guarantees Doggies he told me.
It doidn't take long. As the current picked up to East Coast slack water proportions they came on and I got a lovely big bite very different to the Cod or Whiting bites i'm used to. Picking up the rod I felt a good weight on the end and a bit of a pull (shallwo water) followed by a Doggie coming up. On the surface I let a bit of line off to swing it in and it was off. Bugger. I rebaited and cast again.
Then it was a repeat performance on the other rod - up and off. Both rods now had Mackerel on and for a while it went hectic with both rods banging away as a pack of dogs came through, me landing 4 of them and missing plenty more...I was loving it.
Now, I know i'm regarded as odd for wanting Dogfish but I find them beautiful, fascinating fish. They are also tasty and my children like them and ask me to bring them home. I just can't seem to locate them at home though so I was really happy to get these - what's not to love?
James was getting nothing just fifty yards away at this point. I was chuffed later though when he hauled up a Bream, that's tea sorted out I suspect!
It went quiet for me for a while now and I just sat and waited, rebaiting now and again. I cut a squid in half and hooked it on after a while, dumping the rest as we were planning to go in again and chucked it out. Maybe a minute passed and I was on another doggie! Another bite followed on re-casting but I missed itand then it went quiet for ten minutes before the other rod with washed-out Mackerel went...number six cae aboard and it was time to up-anchor and head in in preperation for the crazywater delivery in the morning and home.
James, thanks for coming out at short notice, for waiting while I got sorted and for taking me out to the dggies - two happy, excited little girls were on me like a flash when I got home, wanting to see the Dogfish (as long as their arms ;D ). I'm now going down to skin them and get one in the smoker...a brilliant night, loved it.
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