…and it worked bloody well, even through my pillow ;D I haven’t been woken up like that since I worked on Brittany Ferries and had a cabin beneath the lorry deck! A quick coffee was followed by pulling myself into my wetsuit and grabbing a few frozen black lugworm from the freezer, left over from a previous session last year. Then out to the van for the 300 metre drive to the beach ;D (In my defence the yak and kit was already loaded up, as usual, and I wasn’t sure where I’d launch).
The sea looked ok, with a pretty good shore break and clearly some swell behind it. Sticking my Prowler 15 on the trolley and loading it up with my kit I locked up and wandered down to the beach with drysuit and lifejacket on. Too weeks off has clearly messed with my mind as I then had to go back to the van for a paddle ;D Dozy or what?!
Two rods for today as I was short on bait and only had a couple of hours available. The plan was literally to head out a quarter of a mile and fish along there for, hopefully, some dabs. I launched and paddled out, staying dry just but having some good early-morning excitement from the surf which was pretty small but still tricky in the darkness - it was now just after 06:00.
Out a little way I baited up the two wishbone rigs and cast the lines in. Unusually for here the current was doing almost nothing and I elected to drift - something I rarely do.
It was a pleasant morning so far and although I had around a three foot swell and a reasonable wind from the east it seemed comfortable enough and the weights on the rods were holding me fairly still.
A while later and it started to get a bit lighter. I’d paddled a few hundred metres south by now as I’d had no bites and I didn’t want to blank so tried to locate fish rather than just wait for them. It’s not exactly the ideal spot to fish to be honest - I was here for convenience - as it is shallow, gently sloping sand. I was probably only in about 10-15 feet of water at most. That’s why no-one fishes the beach there.
Another move came and I decided to anchor up off the end of the pier. I clipped a pennel rig onto the swivel at the top of my wishbone rig, making use of a fair amount of worm that had been fished with the previous time I’d been out - waste not want not, especially when you know you won’t have time to get any fresh bait at short notice! Besides, it’s not unreasonable to expect the fish to eat it if they come across it…
Not a blank! My first sea fish of the year, a small codling of around 1.5lb, gave a small knock and a lovely fight (I was fishing fixed spool and braid today instead of the usual multipliers). I soon had it in and was amazed at how much food there was in its mouth! Full to the back of the throat and still it picked up the pre-used worm bait.
Well, let’s hope there were some more - I didn’t have long left but it might be enough…and the sun was about to come up…
I wasn’t far out and the tide was still ebbing, it was getting to low water around this time too. The sunrise looked like it was going to be nice…
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