Arriving at my launching point alongside the main A12 I made a complete pigs ear of things - line running around the rod instead of through the rings, line running under a loop of line on the reel, etc etc. Things started really well! They got better when I immediately snagged once I was in. The chosen river (first time I fished it) was too narrow to work two rods in this wind. I of course had brought 3 so as to do some deadbaiting and spinning as well.
Nice morning though.
So, I went down to one rod, and float-trolled a joey mackerel on it for a mile or two. Nothing, not a sniff. Fed up with it, I decided to change and on my spinning rod I fitted a Rapala Super Shad Rap - a redhead. Hadn't taken a fish on it yet, loveley and clean it was -not through want of trying though!
A couple of hundred yards further along and I got a good take. I could feel so much more with the lighter rod and the banging of the fish on the end while it tried to throw the lure (which was right across its mouth) felt massive.
I fought it for a minute or two before it broke surface
As oi thought, it was a d**ned good fish - maybe the one? A good 5 minutes later and it was ready to come out having made 3 or 4 good, strong runs. This was a solid fish. Into the net it came
That's it. the net is staying home. The pike was still lively and decided to roll while on my lap - getting the net wrapped around his snout, caught in his teeth and more worryingly snagging the trebles in the mesh. Fortunately it's not a tight mesh so with a bit of fiddling (during which time I suspect I lost my pliers) I managed to free the hooks, free the teeth, and in short order my hand was up between it's gill rakers and I unhooked the lure from its mouth.
I could have fit my fist in its mouth - but I wouldn't be so bloody stupid!
Well, out comes the measure and......
Keep trying, weighing in at 10lb it measured only 76 cm. d**n! But, mustn't grumble, it was a d**ned fine fight, a very good fish and MY YAK PB!
Sorted. Back she went, and stayed a longside for a few seconds on the surface trying to decide whether or not to come aboard again and give me a hiding.
Having a celebratory smoke and drink, I popped out the mackerel again while I sat by the bank. After ten minutes I'd had enough and went onwards. Reeling in the mackerel, i just lifted it to swing in and a pike - similar size - made a lunge at it. A couple of deep gashes from where it made contact in the flesh of it - but missing the hooks totally! And I thought it was game on! Oh well, it bode well for the rest of the day.
That's the thing with optimism. I spent another 4 hours going down the end of the river and back up again for no result. I enjoyed the paddle of course, and have a windtan. I also annoyed some swans.
And ran the gauntlet of a duck shoot.
Getting out as the sun set, I packed up and came home. A good day, all in all, just a pity I didn't beat them Aussies.
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