Launching at around 10am onto the Waveney I proceeded to paddle about a mile downstream, trolling two lures, and then back up and a couple more miles upstream before heading back to the starting point and a mile downstream and back. I'd say I covered 5 miles in 5 hours.
My first bit of excitement was a monster run on one rod. This I'd had high hopes for as it had a Rapala Super Shad Rap attached - supposed to be a real pike taker par-excellence. Well, my high hopes became near sobs as this lure, which was on its first trip having been brought back from South Africa by my parents as a gift from my aunt was not in fact running. Nope, it wasn't moving at all. And try as I might I could not detach it from whatever had fouled it. Ten minutes later and my 20lb trace wire parted. The first snag I haven't cleared since changing to braid. Dammit.
Re-rigged and on my way upstream one rod started to do funny things. Hardly surprising considering what was happening at the other end:
Jack had struck! And off he went:
First one way:
then another:
and then he was in the net, an unhooking mat spread beneath him to protect him from bashing himself on the hard plastic of the yak and, unplanned but appreciated, to keep his slime off my legs:
after a moment or two he was unhooked and ready to go back in, having been quickly weighed at 2lb. One last picture and he was slowly placed in the water and held alongside until recovered (3 seconds or so) and he slipped off into the depths:
Brilliant. So, it worked well, the landing net with short handle was easy to manipulate and carry, the speed and depth was right etc etc. Time for a sandwich then I carried on.
After another half an hour I decided to turn back downstream. A few bits of weed were snagged, some more lures tried and so on. At one point I had a possible hit, but it may have been an obstruction.
After casting a lure with no luck in a small bay that I used to fish successfully as a kid I decided to troll back up to my starting point. A few minutes later and I heard one of my reels screeching. What was happening?
yep, Jackie was making a dash for the table with MY lure! Again, off in one direction:
then another:
and then she also came into the boat:
A better fish at double the size (a 4lb'er) she was unhooked and photographed with me by a group of lads who were enjoying their half-term with a decent spot of fishing - if you read this, thanks guys, much appreciated
and off she went after a few seconds rest down into the river.
That was it, it was time to pack up and go home. A splendid day, very mild for the end of October, no wind, no rain, patches of blue in the sky and water that got in, soaked my trousers and boots but didn't make me cold, and a couple of fish to boot.
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